Membership Application or Renewal Full Name Email Postcode Phone Number Date of Birth Gender Male Female Non-binary Transgender Prefer not to say Other Ethnicity Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? Yes No Prefer not to say What language(s) do you speak? How did you hear about Port Phillip Community Group? Radio Newspaper PPCG Website Facebook Other service Referral (word of mouth) Other (please write below) If applicable, name of referee: If you answer other Which membership are you applying for? New membership Membership renewal The reason I want to become a member is: As a member, what do you think you could contribute to Port Phillip Community Group: I wish to become a member / renew my membership of the Port Phillip Community Group and: I certify that I am over 18 years of age and am either a participant of the Port Phillip Community Group or that I reside, work or study in the City of Port Phillip Confirm that the above details are correct Agree to be bound by the Rules of the Company Have read and agree to support the Statement of Purpose of Port Phillip Community Group Agree to pay $2, which entitles me to membership for one year and voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and any other special meetings which may be called Signature Date Submit Share this page: